

题      目: The nonlinear modulational instability of the Stokes waves in 2d water waves

报  告  人:苏庆堂   助理研究员  (邀请人:袁源 )


时      间:2022-06-16 15:00-16:00

地     点:学院西楼111报告厅 


       苏庆堂,博士毕业于University of Michigna-Ann Arbor, 2019年-2022年在南加州大学任助理教授(博士后)。现为中科院数学所助理研究员。其研究方向为水波方程。

摘      要:

       Stokes waves are periodic steady travelling water waves, which plays a fundamental role in the study of water waves (and ocean waves). It was surprised in 1967 that Benjamin and Feir observed that the Stokes waves are unstable under long wave perturbations (called modulational instability). However, the rigorous mathematical proof was missing for a long time. In this talk, I will discuss the first rigorous proof for the nonlinear modulational instability of the small amptitude Stokes waves in 2d water waves. This is joint work with Gong Chen.