

题      目: Some results on the sum of eigenvalues of graphs

报  告  人:郭继明   教授  (邀请人:尤利华 )


时      间:2022-09-30 08:30-10:30

腾 讯 会 议:552-381-478, 密码:123321



摘      要:

       Let $G$ be a simple connected graph with $n$ vertices. The matrix $L(G)=D(G)-A(G)$ is called Laplacian matrix of $G$, where $A(G)$ is the adjacency matrix of $G$ and $D(G)=diag(d(v_1),d(v_2),\ldots,d(v_n))$ is the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees of $G$. Let $S_k(G)$ be the sum of the first $k$ largest Laplacian eigenvalues of $G$ and $S^+(G)$ be the sum of the squares of the positive adjacency eigenvalues of a graph $G$. In this topic, we introduce some old and new results on $S_k(G)$ and $S^+(G)$, respectively.