题 目: Minimal norm tensor of a tensor and some applications to geometry
报 告 人:郭震 教授 (邀请人:魏国新 )
时 间:2022-11-30 14:30-15:50
腾 讯 会 议:921754818
郭震,云南师范大学二级教授,博士生导师。研究领域是微分几何,主要研究方向是子流形的微分几何和切触几何。曾任云南师范大学数学学院院长、数学学院名誉院长,云南省人民政府参事,中国数学会理事,云南省数学会理事长。获得6项国家自然科学基金项目,发表科研论文50余篇,出版专著1部, 培养研究生50余人。享受省政府特殊津贴,被教育部授予全国优秀教师称号。
摘 要:
In this talk, we introduce the notion of the minimal norm tensor of a tensor and present the minimal normal tensors of some of well-known tensors on a Riemannian manifold. As an application, we investigate the relationships between the structure of a Riemannian manifold and the vanishing of the minimal norm tensor of some classical tensor on it.