

题      目:Decentralized Algorithms for Spatially Distributed Systems

报  告  人:宋国辉   教授  (邀请人:叶颀 )

                                    美国老道明大学(Old Dominion University)

时      间:6月19日  09:30-10:30

地     点:数科院东楼401


       宋国辉美国老道明大学(Old Dominion University)数学与统计系副教授。主要从事机器学习和优化算法的研究。研究领域包括再生核空间的理论基础,傅立叶数据分析,和图优化问题的分布算法。相关研究成果发表在Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis,SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences等权威期刊。

摘      要:

       In a centralized system, all processing and decision-making is handled by a single entity, which can become a bottleneck as the system grows in size and complexity. Decentralized algorithms distribute the processing load across multiple nodes, allowing the system to scale much more effectively. Many decentralized algorithms distribute the global objective function across multiple nodes such that each node only handle its own local objective function.