

题      目:How will invariant subspaces change if a non-Hermitian matrix with a single eigenvalue is perturbed?

报  告  人:徐洪国  教授  (邀请人:陈小山 )


时      间:12月15日  09:30-10:30

ZOOM会议:964 1776 8347  密码:2312


        徐洪国教授主要从事数值代数研究工作。博士毕业于复旦大学,师从蒋尔雄教授,博士毕业后获洪堡基金资助,获得Householder奖。现美国Kansas大学任教。在控制论、结构矩阵(Hamilton矩阵与Symplectic矩阵)、奇异值分解和极分解等数值代数各个领域做了许多很好科研工作。研究成果在 《Numerishe Mathematik》 ,  《SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl》,《BIT Numer Math》,《Mathematics of Computation》和《Automatic》等期刊上发表。

摘      要:

        We show how invariant subspaces will change when a matrix with a single eigenvalue is perturbed. We focus on the case when an invariant subspace corresponds to the eigenvalues perturbed from those associated with the same order Jordan blocks. We characterize the perturbations in terms of fractional orders for the blocks of a matrix that defines an invariant subspace. We also provide explicit formulas for the coefficient matrices associated with the zero and first fractional orders.

