题 目:Nonautonomous (p,q)-equations and some perspectives
报 告 人:Vicentiu Redulescu 教授 (邀请人:钟学秀 )
时 间:4月29日 09:00-10:00
地 点:数科院西楼二楼会议室
Radulescu Vicentiu 教授,博士毕业于巴黎六大,师从世界著名偏微分方程专家Haim Brezis教授。现为克拉约瓦大学教授,波兰AGH科技大学教授,罗马尼亚国家科学院终身教授,1999年获罗马尼亚科学院Simion Stoilow 奖,2020年入斯坦福大学世界前2%科学家榜单。
摘 要:
I shall report on some recent joint results with Tianxiang Gou, and Nikolaos Papageorgiou and Shuai Yuan. In the first part of my talk, I shall develop an exhaustive analysis for the nonautonomous (p,q)-eigenvalue problem with indefinite weight and lack of compactness. This analysis distinguishes between the cases where p<q or q<p. In the second part of my talk, I will discuss a nonlinear Dirichlet problem driven by a nonautonomous double-phase differential operator and with a reaction consisting of a strongly singular term plus a concave perturbation. The proofs combine the Nehari manifold method with energy estimates and related variational and topological arguments.