题 目:Well/Ill-posedness seperation of the Boltzmann equation with cut-off
报 告 人:陈旭文 教授 (邀请人:喻洪俊 )
University of Rochester
时 间:5月15日 15:50-16:35
地 点:数科院东楼401
陈旭文教授,美国Rochester大学数学系教授,长期从事多体问题、动理学方程等偏微分方程的数学理论研究,已在国际顶级期刊 Inventiones Mathematicae,Journal of the European Mathematical Society,Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,Communications in Mathematical Physics等上发表学术论文30余篇。
摘 要:
We report the finding of the sharp seperation of well/ill-posedness for the Boltzmann equation with cut-off using dispersive PDE techniques. The seperation is unexpectly 1/2-derivative above scaling and the illposedness is represented by foward in time norm deflation.