题 目:Weighted inequality of fractional integrals on product spaces
报 告 人:王子鹏 特聘研究员 (邀请人:韩彦昌 )
时 间:5月17日 16:30-17:30
地 点:数科院东楼401报告厅
2010年Penn State University 硕士毕业,2015年获剑桥大学博士学位;2015.9-2018.8在McMaster University从事博士后研究。其自2012年起,在Elias M. Stein教授的指导下开始了博士生课题研究:调和分析在乘积空间上的延展。在博士期间,基于锥分割 (Cone Decomposition) 这个新方法之上,证明了两个关于乘积空间上分数积分的猜想:即乘积空间上的Stein-Weiss不等式以及乘积空间上的Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev不等式。
摘 要:
In this talk, we first briefly review some classical results for weighted inequalities of fractional integrals.Next, we introduce a family of multi-parameter fractional integrals whose kernels have singularity on every coordinate subspace. By considering the weight functions as appropriate powers, we give a characterization between the norm inequality and its associated Muckenhoupt characteristic. As a result, we extend the Stein-Weiss theorem on product spaces. Furthermore, we will discuss some more recent works in this direction and a question remained open.