

题      目:A contour integral-based algorithm for computing generalized singular values

报  告  人:邵美悦  研究员  (邀请人:陈小山)


时      间:10月24日  16:00-17:00

地     点:数科院东楼305


       邵美悦,复旦大学大数据学院研究员,博导。2014年获得瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院计算数学博士学位,之后在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室从事研究工作,先后担任博士后研究员(2014-2017)和项目科学家(2017-2019),2019年5月进入复旦大学工作。主要研究领域为数值线性代数、高性能计算、以及量子力学计算,开发了PDHSEQR、BSEPACK等大规模矩阵计算软件包,相关研究成果发表在ACM TOMS,SIMAX,SISC,IEEE TPDS,JCTC,CPC等前沿刊物上。

摘      要:

       We discuss how to use contour integration to compute a few singular values of a matrix A or a few generalized singular values of a matrix pair {A,B} within a given interval.  This is a special case of the symmetric eigenvalue problem, and thus can be solved by the popular contour integral-based eigensolver FEAST.  However, direct application of the FEAST solver does not fully exploit the structure of SVD/GSVD.  We discuss several projection strategies on the Jordan--Wielandt matrix (pencil), and propose an effective and robust projection scheme tailored to SVD/GSVD.  Theoretical analysis and numerical experiments confirm that our approach achieves rapid convergence and satisfactory accuracy.

