题 目:Quasi-projection pairs on Hilbert C*-modules
报 告 人:田晓怡 讲师 (邀请人:邓春源)
时 间:11月11日 19:00-20:00
地 点:数科院阶梯二楼报告厅
田晓怡,广东警官学院,讲师,研究方向:算子理论,泛函分析及其应用;硕博分别毕业于华南师范大学和上海师范大学,博士期间主持学生项目3项,获得省部级奖励1次,国家级奖励2次,目前在J. Operator Theory,Banach J. Math. Anal.,Linear Algebra Appl.,Linear Multilinear Algebra,Filomat 等知名期刊发表论文8篇。
摘 要:
The aim of this paper is to give significant characterizations of some fundamental issues about idempotents on Hilbert C*-modules. Motivated by a couple of examples, a new term of quasi-projection pair (P,Q) on a Hilbert C*-module H is introduced, in which P is a projection, while Q is an idempotent satisfying PQ*P=PQP, PQ*(I-P)=-PQ(I-P), (I-P)Q*(I-P)=(I-P)Q(I-P), where I denotes the identity operator on H. Some basic properties of quasi-projection pairs are provided. For every idempotent Q on a Hilbert C*module H, it is shown that there always exist a projection denoted by m(Q), and an invertible operator W on H such that (m(Q),Q) is a quasi-projection pair satisfying Q=W^{-1} PW and ‖I-W‖<1. Thus, a new formula for Q is derived based on m(Q), which is called the matched projection of Q. The matched projection m(Q) introduced in this paper for a general idempotent Q is a brand new object, which has many interesting features. Some fundamental results on m(Q) are derived.