

题      目:A pressure-robust numerical scheme for the Stokes equations based on the WOPSIP DG approach

报  告  人:曾玉平  教授  (邀请人:钟柳强)


时      间:11月29日  11:00-12:00

地     点:数科院西楼二楼会议室


       曾玉平,博士,嘉应学院数学学院教授,从事有限元方法及其应用研究,主要致力于研究间断Galerkin,弱Galerkin,虚拟元等方法的先验和后验误差估计及其在流体力学中的应用,主持国家自然科学基金1项、广东省自然科学基金3项。在Journal of Scientific Computing, Journal of Computational Mathematics等计算数学期刊发表论文20多篇。

摘      要:

       We propose and analyze a new weakly over-penalized symmetric interior penalty (WOPSIP) discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme for the Stokes equations. The primary approach involves modifying the right-hand term and replacing the pressure-velocity coupling term $c_h(\cdot,\cdot)$ by incorporating a weak divergence instead of the divergence operator. These modifications allow for pressure-robustness in the scheme. We establish optimal order error estimates for the velocity $\boldsymbol{u}_h$ in discrete energy norm and $\boldsymbol{L}^2$ norm, as well as for the pressure $p_h$ in $L^2$ norm. We also provide numerical results to validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

