

题      目:On the instability of naked singularities

报  告  人:刘珏  博士  (邀请人:罗天文)


时      间:12月11日  10:30-11:30

地     点:数科院西楼114教室


       刘珏,博士毕业于中⼭⼤学数学学院, 导师为朱熹平教授,博士毕业后分别于清华⼤学、哈佛⼤学工作。主要从事广义相对论的数学理论研究,系列成果发表于顶级期刊
《Communications in Mathematical Physics》、《Journal of Differential Geometry》等。

摘      要:

       Proposed by Penrose, the famous weak cosmic censorship conjecture states that, with suitable matter fields, for generic asymptotically flat Cauchy initial data, all the singularities in the maximal future development should be hidden behind the black holes, that is, the naked sin¬gularities if exist must be unstable. The study of this conjecture originates from Christodoulou who gave the first affirmative answer, that is, the naked singularities of a spherically symmetric self¬-gravitating scalar field are not stable and thus the cosmic censorship conjecture is true in this context. To exclude the possibility that this instability results from the symmetric restriction of the spacetime, we extend the work of Christodoulou and prove that the spherically symmetric naked singularity is not stable under gravitational perturbations without any symmetry assumptions. In this talk, I will introduce the works on solving the cosmic censorship conjecture and present some interesting questions that are worth considering.
