

题      目:Singular integral operators in the Dunkl setting

报  告  人:谭超强 副教授  (邀请人:韩彦昌)


时      间:1月17日  10:30-11:30

地     点:数科院东楼401


        主要研究函数的Fourier变换以及相关问题。主要内容涵盖了算子插值方法、极大函数方法、球调和函数理论、位势理论、Littlewood-Paley理论、奇异积分以及一般可微函数空间等。在J. Func. Anal.,ANNALI SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE - CLASSE DI SCIENZE,Math.Res.Lett.等杂志发表20多篇文章。

摘      要:

       In this talk, we will first review some basic concepts related to singular integral operators in the Dunkl setting, which is associated with finite reflection groups on Euclidean space. This group structure induces two nonequivalent metrics: the Euclidean metric and the Dunkl metric, which are both involved in the estimates of singular integrals, heat and Poisson kernels in this Dunkl setting. Subsequently, we will introduce some some recent works in the study of these operators.

