题 目:On Principal Eigenvalues for Elliptic Operators with Shear Flow
报 告 人:刘爽 副研究员 (邀请人:丁维维)
时 间:3月30日 17:30-18:30
地 点:数科院西楼111报告厅
摘 要:
In this talk, we will discuss the recent progress on principal eigenvalues of second order elliptic operators with shear flow. Some monotonicity and asymptotic behaviors of principal eigenvalues, with respect to diffusion rate and flow amplitude, are established. These local asymptotic analysis can help us find some global information on the principal eigenvalue, i.e. the classification of topological structures of the level sets as a function of multiple parameters. This enables us to better understand qualitative properties of the principal eigenvalues. This is a joint work with Professor Yuan Lou.