

题      目: From calculus and vector bundles to smooth homological algebra

报  告  人:邬恩信   副教授  (邀请人:范飞飞 )


时      间:2022-9-19 14:30-16:00

地      点:东楼401 


       邬恩信,2012年毕业于加拿大西安大略大学,现任汕头大学数学系副教授。主要从事广义微分几何和代数拓扑的研究。在Adv. Math., Israel J. Math., Pacific J. Math.等杂志发表相关论文10篇。

摘      要:

       The talk is a mixture of analysis, geometry, topology and algebra. Linear operators from calculus contain (infinite-dimensional) function spaces with extra smooth structures. Under the framework of diffeology, one gets short exact sequences which do not split smoothly. Smooth homological algebra is thus established to capture such phenomena. In the process, concrete projective diffeological vector spaces are produced from classical vector bundle theory via the pushforward operation, and some curious isomorphisms are derived. Many open questions, especially those related to characteristic classes, will be proposed during the talk.